Interlift 2019
CANopen Lift on the Interlift 2019
In 2019 CAN in Automation (CiA) was once again represented with a stand at the Interlift to give visitors an understanding of the CANopen-Lift standard.
A lot has happened since the last Interlift 2017. The number of members has increased and many new products have been equipped with a CANopen interface.
New demonstrators
In 2015 some products were presented for the first time with the new CANopen-Lift demonstrators. These offer many advantages over the 'old' demonstrators. With the help of the flexyPage Displays installed there, sensor data can be displayed directly and the function of the products can be attractively demonstrated using multimedia elements. This concept was very well received by the visitors and will be further developed.
At the Interlift 2017 there was repeated feedback from visitors that the old demonstrators were no longer up to date and should be updated. The Marketing Group Lift has created a new concept and exhibited it for the first time at Interlift 2019.