Vymyslicky-Výtahy spol. s r.o.
The foundations of our company were laid in 1990 when the brothers Vladimir and Radislav Vymysličtí started dealing with servicing and inspection of elevators as sole traders. In 1992, the association of entrepreneurs founded together. s ro, which called VYMYSLICKÝ - VÝTAHY spol. s ro operates today and annually increasing its share of the market for elevators. Production since 2003, the main part is transferred to a new facility in Uherske Hradiste - Jarošově, part of the production is done in the original production hall in Knezpole. Our employees have access to almost 6.000 m2 working area.
Company VYMYSLICKÝ - VÝTAHY spol. s ro have built up during its competence center in Brno, Prerov and Zlin sales and service network throughout the Czech Republic in all the regional capitals and many former district towns. Abroad, we operate on the Slovak via service partners in Serbia and Croatia also cooperate with sales and service network.
- Lift Controller

- Vymyslicky-Výtahy spol. s r.o.
- Pivovarská 542
- 686 01 Uherské Hradiště - Jarošov
- Czech Republic
- Phone: +420 572 587 202
- info@vymyslicky.cz
- www.vymyslicky.cz