Welcome at is an open platform of the Special Interest Group (SIG) Lift Control witch is organised at the organisation CAN in Automation (CiA)
This website is an open wiki. It serves to compare notes, information and ideas between user and supplier of CANopen products. Here we discuss questions about the application profile, technical solutions, products and applications and we will present some references with this technology.
This Wiki is attended by the CANopen-Lift-Community, the members of the SIG Lift and of the MG Lift. You are cordially invited to add your own content only to this subject. How you can do this, you can see at the article Write in this Wiki.
An overview about the articles in this Wiki you can find at the Community portal and at the Site categories.
At this time, the wiki is available in two languages. In 2002 we started with a german website and in 2005 with a german wiki. Now the technology becomes more and more interesting in many countries of the world and so we start to build up also an english wiki. At this time you will find the most information at the german part of this wiki but we work hard to translate everything. If you would like to help us, please contact the Webmin.
We hope, you can find here many interesting information and creative ideas
- Your Webmin.
Your contact person for this wiki is:
Jörg Hellmich
Siegburger Straße 215
50679 Köln
Tel.: +49 (221) 67789320