Interlift 2023

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CANopen Lift on the Interlift 2019

CANopen-Lift products at a manufacturer

Zum 20jährigen Jubiläum der ersten Teilnahme der SIG Lift an der Interlift war die CAN in Automation (CiA) auch diesmal wieder mit einem Stand auf der Interlift vertreten, um Besuchern den Standard CANopen-Lift näher zu bringen.

A lot has happened since the last Interlift 2021. The number of members has increased and many new products have been equipped with a CANopen interface.

This year, the NeXt group was also represented with its own booth in Hall 2. There, the transmission of CANopen-Lift data via an open standard was the focus of the trade fair presentation.

Review of the last trade fairs
