CANopen Lift PlugFest - 2012-09

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Certificate for the succesful participants if CANopen-Lift-PlugFest

The lift component manufacturers proved on the 25th of September of 2012 the interoperability of their CANopen-Lift products. 6 companies from Europe where invited to the fifth Plugfest. The host of the PlugFest was CiA in Nürnberg.

The PlugFest was an open event of the CiA, where the French company Sprinte SAS took part for the first time. The PlugFest gave the participants the opportunity to link their products and to prove the interoperability of defined functions of the new standard version 2.1, in small changing teams.

The fifth PlugFest highlighted the effort of the lift industry to offer open code components.

Apart from the interoperability analyse, some other functions to save energy and measure the energy needs of the components, from a central energy manager were tested.

The next PlugFest is planned for June 2013. If necessary additional PlugFests will be organized.