CANopen Lift PlugFest - 2013-07
The components manufacturer of the lifts the interoperability of their CANopen-Lift products on the 2nd of July of 2013. Participants from 10 companies from Denmark, Germany, France and Sweden took part on the sixth PlugFest, hosted by CiA in Nuremberg.
The PlugFest was an open event of CiA. The company Intec took part for the first time. Therefore, four middle-size components manufactures, that use the open standard CANopen-Lift, participated this year in the meeting. The PlugFest gave the participants the chance to try to link their products and test the interoperability of the new standard Version 2.1.
The sixth PlugFest highlighted the efforts of the elevator industry, to increase it growing range of free available components.
The new functions to activate the energy-saving-functions and to measure the energy needs in the components from a central energy manager were tested. As well as, the reading and writing of the firmware and the parameter sets of components.
The next PlugFest is planned for the December 2013. If necessary additional PlugFest will be organized.