Open Style 3 pin or 5 pin

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In the CANopen-Standard (CiA-303-1) the allocation of the most common plug connections are standardized. In the application profile for lifts there are recommendation for several plugs for lift components.


The Open-Style-Connector is one of them.

Pin-Allocation Open-Style-Connector 3 Pins
Pin Signal Description
1 CAN_GND CAN ground
2 CAN_L CAN signal (dominant low)
3 CAN_H CAN signal (dominant high)

Pin-Allocation Open-Style-Connector 5 Pins
Pin Signal Description
1 (GND) optional ground (from Pin 5)
2 CAN_L CAN signal (dominant low)
3 (CAN_SHLD) optional Shield
4 CAN_H CAN signal (dominant high)
5 (CAN_V+) optional external power supply (+24 V)


This plug is used by the following devices at the moment:

3 Pins

5 Pins